Habrotrocha lata, creeping motion. The typical narrowing behind the last body segment is quite obvious (1) |
Habrotrocha lata, whirling (1) |
Habrotrocha lata, 2 aspects of the head. the right image shows the upper lip without lobes. (1) |
Habrotrocha lata, lateral view. DA: dorsal antenna; M: mouth (buccal tube); Mx: mastax with trophi; R: rostrum; T: trochal pedicels (Filzmoos, Tirol, 21.11.2012) (2) |
Habrotrocha lata, creeping motion; focal plane is on the cilia of the lamella of the rostrum. (Filzmoos, Tirol, 21.11.2012) (2) |
Habrotrocha lata, ramate trophi wth dental formula 4/4 (or 3/3) |
Habrotrocha lata, specimen from Aneboda, Sweden (3), together with: Macrotrachela nana Scepanotrocha semitecta |
Habrotrocha lata, specimen from (4); the integument of the trunk is covered by a mucilaginous sheath, which is filled with bacteria. |
Habrotrocha lata, specimen from (5); two dorsoventral aspects of the anterior part/ rostrum; corona retracted. |
Habrotrocha lata, foot with tapering spurs and somewhat bulbous base and small interspace. Left: dorsal vew, right: ventral view. (5) |
Habrotrocha lata, two images of the ramate trophi. Left: cephalic view with dental formula (DF): 4/4; right: caudal view; rami length (RaL): 16µm. (5) |
Location: Wahner Heide near Cologne / Germany (1); Filzmoos, Tirol, 21.11.2012) (2); Aneboda, Sweden (3); Paradieswiese, Tirol, Austria (4); Simmelried near Konstanz, BW, Germany; |
Habitat: pond with Sphagnum (1); (2); (3); pond (4); mud (5) |
Date: 30.03.2010 (1); 21.11.2012 (2); 20.02.2014) (3); 13.12.2014 (4); 12.07.2021 (5) |